Dr. Annise Mabry Foundation > Adult Literacy
Graduation cap with diploma over the table.

Why a Homeschool High School Diploma Outweighs a GED

In spite of the fact that the national graduation rate is at an all-time high, over a million students drop out of high school each year in the United States. Although Georgia's graduation rate has also risen substantially in recent years (up to 84.1%), the state is still home to many, many individuals whose economic and professional opportunities are limited by not having a high school diploma.  For those individuals, options to finish their education have historically been limited to two options: re-enroll in a full-time high school program, or get a GED. GEDs are a common alternative to a high school diploma for people...

New Year, New You: It’s Never Too Late To Graduate

New Year, New You: It's Never Too Late To Graduate The new year is a time of possibilities. It's an opportunity to reimagine who we are, to examine our long-term goals, and set intentions for how to get closer to them.    For many people, those goals include continuing their education. Particularly for non-traditional students or adults who didn't finish high school, earning a high school diploma can unlock a wide range of professional opportunities and set them on the path to achieving their goals.    Still, that's often easier said than done. Returning to school as an adult or a non-traditional student can come with a lot of...

Year in Review: The Dr. Annise Mabry Foundation Nonprofit Impact Report

The end of the year is a milestone, a time to pause and reflect both on where we've been and where we're going. For nonprofits, including the Dr. Annise Mabry Foundation, it's also a time to celebrate our impact over the past year, renew our commitment to community improvement in the year ahead, and continue to raise awareness of our offerings to the people we serve.  Our Programs The Dr. Annise Mabry Foundation is dedicated to improving our community by enhancing education opportunities, improving police and community relations, and encouraging community engagement. Our offerings include: The Tiers Free Academy Homeschool High School Diploma Program. Through the...

Adult Literacy and Economic Development (It’s All Connected)

Adult Literacy and Economic Development (It's All Connected) Income inequality has long been a political and economic hot topic in the United States. As of 2021, the richest 10% of Americans owned almost 70% of the wealth in the country, while the poorest 50% owned around 2.5%—a staggering gap that has widened substantially in the last several decades. In 2020, 11.4% of the country's population (or 37.2 million individuals) lived in poverty.    The expansion of the wealth gap has been exacerbated in part by events such as the Great Recession and COVID-19 pandemic. What's more, rising inflation rates may continue to deepen existing income inequality, as...